i will be seeing you soon

life is beautiful

i think about you all the time

life is short

they say that love is forever

you're going to hell

make a wish

you are the most

there are some nights

you are what i want

i hate distance

he's mine

i jump

i wonder

if nothing goes

from the moment

sitting next to you

drink it up

am i crazy

tonight i'll fall asleep with you in my heart

isn't it wierd that everything sounds better in english

i've got beter things to do

expect the unexpected

i forgive a lot

never say sorry for being honest

then fuck off

wait for the boy that would do anything

two weeks together

when you can't change the situation

when someone walks out

imagine us at breakfast

i really wanted you

i want us to last

look at the bright side

thanks for the memories

fint ska det va

boo, you whore

your voice

everyone has a destiny

for me you are perfect

there's something about you

The backpack song - Bear attack
I'm 100 % awesome


we should have sex

are you an idiot?

i woke up

mine, he whispers


the heart wants

from a stranger

hello september

i love you

long hugs